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About New Billionaires Club

New Billionaires Club (N.B. Club) is a North American incubator that services and enables start-ups in the technology sector. We pioneered unique start-up boot camp programs in Canada for entrepreneurs based on the advanced programs used in incubators in Silicon Valley and New York City.

N.B. Club is focused on providing more values, strategies, coaching and customized consultations for start-ups. The entrepreneurs will be exposed to innovative events and courses to discover the entrepreneurial spirit within. Consequently, more founders have found a clearer vision, a more comprehensive business development strategy, a better company structure and various fundraising strategies, resulting in a much higher chance of succeeding in the competitive start-up world. N.B. Club is dedicated to attracting more high-quality start-ups in North America with a focus on the Greater Toronto Area, Waterloo, Hamilton, and other Ontario cities, so more people want to start their dream in North America and grow it confidently. We aim to provide the best and most comprehensive resources to entrepreneurs in Canada.

N.B. Club uses the boot camp model and interactive events to attract promising entrepreneurs. They can access our huge network of in-resident mentors, successful start-up founders, investors, and industry experts. We organize various events, including case competitions, roadshows, demo days, and networking. We invite reputational investors and founders to join our speaker series twice a month. Also, there are 8 categories of resources, such as legal, finance, business consulting, HR services, marketing services, sales services, client relations and IT services. In addition, we provide venture capital ranging from 50K to 500K Canadian Dollars with our Angel Investors and VC eco-system through our investment vehicle, New Billionaires Capital Inc. (N.B. Capital).

N.B. Club and N.B. Capital are related because the start-ups that have been incubated successfully by the N.B. Club and graduated top among the start-ups will be considered favourably by the Investment Committee at N.B. Capital, and its partner Angel/VC investors. As a result, the success rate of start-ups from N.B. Club is increased by many magnitudes.

We expect the start-ups that graduated from our incubator to raise the next round easier, and the return for a successful investment is considered 20 to 50 times the principal invested. Moreover, we connect the start-up with other Venture Capital firms and Private Equity companies to ensure that the start-up can also raise future rounds until either IPO or bought through a Merge or Acquisition.



In 2022, the recession seems to have ended with the nearing end of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the world economy is still drifting among many factors such as the ongoing Sino-US trade cold war, the Russia-Ukraine hot war, and the inflation hitting new highs. Because people have more time to think about their own dreams, paired with an increased uncertainty about the future, more and more people have joined the entrepreneurial group in the past two years.

However, like many other industries, starting a fundable tech start-up requires specific skills and knowledge, and we found many people had the potential but lacked these essential ingredients. As a serial entrepreneur (Motan International, Spaice) myself, and a General Partner at New Vision Investment, General Partner at New Billionaires Capital, and associates and principals at Pinetree Capital in Toronto and Amber Equities in New York respectively, I partnered with another serial entrepreneur Loewe Ke (KE Solutions,, started New Billionaires Club as a platform for start-up founders to fully utilize their potentials and achieve the best they can with our own investment and entrepreneurship expertise. Eventually more and more mentors and founders joined our club, as people started to notice how straightforward and helpful, we can be to their start-up. So, it started with 2 people and is now with 300 members and 30+ mentors. The hope that the community gave us fueled our engine hotter, and we started to roll out more valuable and insightful events one by one, and provided higher and higher quality of services, resources and capital access to the start-up community.



Our vision is to apply the value investing principles to the early-stage tech start-ups. With our entrepreneurship and venture capital experiences in New York City, Shenzhen, Silicon Valley, and Toronto, we believe we have created a new model of attracting and assisting start-up founders to achieve their dreams in a unique, immersive, and result-driven method. Eventually, we want to make Toronto the Silicon Valley of the North via enhancing our start-up/VC ecosystem and inspiring more young people to start their entrepreneurship journey equipped with the right knowledge and mindset.



The eco-system of us includes top Canadian incubators, VCs, angel investors, and start-up platform.



The investment philosophy of New Billionaires Capital is to incubate and help start-ups that will have a positive and long-term impact on the wellbeing of the individuals and society. Although Venture Capital and Value Investing are oxymorons at first glimpse, there are underlying connections among them.

Therefore, we invest in industries that are sustainable and address the world’s pain points using technology and science. For example, the world would be a better place if everyone had a better education, and it would be a better place if everyone had a better body. Start-ups that can improve human wellbeing physically and mentally would be of our interests with such logic. And they belong to bio-tech, and ed-tech (education tech) respectively.

General Tech

SaaS, social media, transaction platform, and other tech companies that don’t belong to the below categories.

Biology Tech

Tech start-ups in the biology, pharmacy, medical equipment, and innovative treatment sectors.

Supply Chain Management

The pandemic makes the fragile Global Market weaker, resulting a stronger demand for delivery and e-commerce, the essence of which is supply chain management.


Use de-centralised algorithms to achieve a high degree of autonomy and privacy. However, the application of it can go both ways. We focus on the real-world utilization of the blockchain technology, instead of cryptocurrency.

Education Tech

We believe the world would be a better place if we could have more education tech companies that make knowledge more accessible and the learning process more efficiently and enjoyable.

Sustainable Energy

Like Education Tech and Biology Tech, the Sustainable Energy sector is focused by our investment team, because eventually start-ups in the sector will make the world a greener and more sustainable place to live. And in 20 to 50 years, we believe the general direction is that we humans can achieve 100% renewable and sustainable energy.




Daniel Xu

CEO, New Billionaires Club
Angel Investor
General Partner, New Billionaires Capital
General Partner, New Vision Investment


Loewe Ke

CEO, KE Solutions
CEO, Jobster. io
Successful serial entrepreneur


Joe Zhao

CEO, Letswepp
Government licensed online marketing advisor
Successful serial entrepreneur


Tony Ruan

CEO, Viva Lifestyles



Gurwin Singh Ahuja

Vice President at BlackRock
The White House Advisor – Office of the United States Trade Representative

James MacIntosh

Mentor Lead and Advisor to Start-Ups
UT Hatchery

Dan Wang

Professor at Columbia University, MBA

May Wang

Vice President at Galaxy Interactive
Angel Investor

Closs Tong

President at Sweven Media Group

Paul Canetti

Professor at Columbia University on Technology and Product Management, MBA
Founder, New Tech Business School

Ty J. Shattuck

CEO at McMaster Innovation Park

Jacky Chen

General Partner, StarForge Fund | Archangel Network of Funds
The Wharton School, EMBA

William Dunn Jr.

Associate at McKinsey & Company

Bowen Wang

TMT Investment & Merchant Banking at Macquarie Group

Allen Wu

M&A, Corporate Development at Nvidia
Ex-JP Morgan Technology Investment Banking

Christina Tao

Member, National Club Association