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You have dreams but cannot make it solid? You have visions but lack actions and knowledge? You have vision but lack talents and resources? N.B. Incubator will provide you with customized consultation, capital investment and more.



How we can help:

Successful start-up founders and mentors work with you throughout your incubator journey.

Deep customized consultation services for each start-up.

Network with other start-up founders and business leaders.

Lack of Capital

Our investment branch can make direct investment to the qualified start-ups with our extensive Angel Investors and VC network.

  • We share resources with the top incubators, Angel Investors, and VCs in North America
  • Partnered with the top 3 public incubators in Ontario: UT Hatchery, uWaterloo Velocity and McMaster Innovation Park
  • The top 3 start-up candidates that win in the annual Demo Day will be invested by our fund, along with the Angel Investors and VCs in our eco-system. The winners will get an opportunity to pitch their idea directly to the top-tier VCs in the world, including a16z, Sequoia or Tiger Group in Silicon Valley face-to-face

Lack of Resources

Are you looking for other cofounders to make a dream team? Do you lack in-depth understanding of the technical or business aspects of the start-up? Do you need to hire talents fast without hassle just for your need? Do you need someone who’s been through the start-up cycles many times successfully to provide tips, strategies and networks?

N.B. Club congregates the elites from different industries, who have in-depth industry knowledge, successful entrepreneurship experiences, or business leaders. They ensure that your start-up will receive the best professional advice.

N.B. Club has 8 essential categories of resources from in-house and third-party companies. They are business consulting, HR services, legal services, accounting/finance, marketing services, sales services, client/partner relations, and IT services. Underneath each category, there are 2 to 4 services, totaling 26 kinds of services. The most popular ones include hosting/Email, websites, pre-sales survey, post-sales, sales strategy, sales toolkit, market research, multi-channel strategy, implementation of strategy, tax planning, financial reports, business plans, deck preparation for fund raising, HR policy, talent management, and KPI design.

Lack of Working Space

We provide co-working space that you can start set up your meeting rooms and office within a day

We partner with many high-quality workspace sharing facilities. The fee is within $10-$15 Canadian dollars per day, and a greater discount as the time range goes up.

Lack of Start-up Experience

Reputational discussion sessions

Reputational start-up founders, investors and business leaders are invited to our speakers’ series each week, available both online and offline, to share their perspectives and stories about start-ups and the tech industry. The sharing is highly interactive as our host will ensure that the audience is part of the discussion instead of passive listeners. We encourage people to make friends during these events, exchange ideas, and discuss the challenges. Many people accelerated their start-ups and avoided common mistakes from these sharing and discussion sessions.



We provide three major categories of service support: start-up boot camps, customized consulting services, and third-party resources.


We provide coaching services and cover topics such as: how to kick off and make money on your first start-up; how to make your company structure stable by designing the allocation of capital and shares before they become troubles later. How to increase your chance of raising capital in the next year by 5 to 10 times. Also, we provide different tiers for start-up founders with different levels of experience. Whether you just have a start-up idea, you have a minimum viable product, or you have a mature start-up but are stuck with growth, we provide corresponding versions of boot camps and coaching. For different industries and verticals, we pair you with a reputational industry expert on top of the interactive entrepreneurial events. By the end of the boot camp and coaching, you will have a deeper understanding of your start-up vision, the industry domain knowledge and relevant start-up experiences from successful founders and experienced mentors.


N.B. Club has 8 essential categories of resources from in-house and third-party companies. They are business consulting, HR services, legal services, accounting/finance, marketing services, sales services, client/partner relations, and IT services. Underneath each category, there are 2 to 4 services, totaling 26 kinds of services. The most popular ones include hosting/Email, websites, pre-sales survey, post-sales, sales strategy, sales toolkit, market research, multi-channel strategy, implementation of strategy, tax planning, financial reports, business plans, deck preparation for fund raising, HR policy, talent management, and KPI design.


Each start-up has a different story and a different vision, so you may have a unique problem or bottleneck that bothers you only. However, NB Club can provide a consulting team dedicated to your problem only. The team consists of an industry expert who’s been in your industry for many years, a seasoned entrepreneurship strategy mentor, and potentially an executive from an established company, a professor, or an investor. We also share the mentor resources with other incubators, such as UT Hatchery, uWaterloo Velocity, and McMaster Innovation Park, meaning that you can access more than 150+ mentors, founders and investors in our network.



The investment philosophy of New Billionaires Capital is to incubate and help start-ups that will have a positive and long-term impact on the wellbeing of the individuals and society. Although Venture Capital and Value Investing are oxymorons at first glimpse, there are underlying connections among them.

Therefore, we invest in industries that are sustainable and address the world’s pain points using technology and science. For example, the world would be a better place if everyone had a better education, and it would be a better place if everyone had a better body. Start-ups that can improve human wellbeing physically and mentally would be of our interests with such logic. And they belong to bio-tech, and ed-tech (education tech) respectively.

General Tech

SaaS, social media, transaction platform, and other tech companies that don’t belong to the below categories.

Biology Tech

Tech start-ups in the biology, pharmacy, medical equipment, and innovative treatment sectors.

Supply Chain Management

The pandemic makes the fragile Global Market weaker, resulting a stronger demand for delivery and e-commerce, the essence of which is supply chain management.


Use de-centralised algorithms to achieve a high degree of autonomy and privacy. However, the application of it can go both ways. We focus on the real-world utilization of the blockchain technology, instead of cryptocurrency.

Education Tech

We believe the world would be a better place if we could have more education tech companies that make knowledge more accessible and the learning process more efficiently and enjoyable.

Sustainable Energy

Like Education Tech and Biology Tech, the Sustainable Energy sector is focused by our investment team, because eventually start-ups in the sector will make the world a greener and more sustainable place to live. And in 20 to 50 years, we believe the general direction is that we humans can achieve 100% renewable and sustainable energy.


如果你只是停留在想法期,不用担心,来到我们的孵化器。我们通过多种因素的评估,包括性格,团队,学历,经历,产品和市场来给出诚恳的建议,提出几个让你下一步选择的创业路。并且在之后的创业征途上,一路有至少2-3个创业/投资/行业 专家陪同你走下去

Share your start-up ideas with us
You don't need to have any product or cash flow
We will get you there

If you only have an idea, no worries, come to our incubator. We will provide a free consultation session for you and share honest and read-to-use advice with you, based on our in-depth entrepreneurship knowledge, combined with your interests, pain points, experiences, and expertise. N.B. Club will provide our recommendations on how to move forward. (click Contact Us and let us know if you’re interested in a free 1-hour consultation)

If you find our assistance useful, you are welcome to attend our full program. Successful start-up founders, investors, industry experts and business leaders will form a dedicated team to accelerate your start-up growth and shorten your fundraising window.